četrtek, 31. december 2015

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Modelarska Trgovina v MARIBORU
Produkte pošiljamo v vse države Evropske Unije.
We ship to all countries of the European Union.
RC modeli višjega kakovostnega razreda po izjemnih cenah,info na mail:mesgrad2@siol.net , 0038641610456,LOVSKA ULICA 56,2000 MARIBOR
— v/na Maribor, Slovenia

ponedeljek, 14. december 2015

Betnava Mansion - Black smudges city of Maribor.

Yuneec 4KBetnava Mansion - Black smudges city of Maribor.

Betnava Mansion (German Schloss Windenau) is a mansion near Maribor in Styria. Baroque mansion Betnava has been declared as a cultural monument of national importance.

In 1319 document mentions mansion named Wintenaw (Betnava). In the 16th century it grew into a fortified Renaissance mansion with a water ditch. Counts Herberstein transformed into a Protestant station with a chapel and a cemetery. In the 18th century manor house, which was burned down in 1685, the baroque transformed. Rebuilt the main building with a staircase and representative spaces on the north side chapel was added to it, the other three wings were left untouched. Ceremonial hall was painted in 1784 with a baroque illusionist architecture, supplemented by allegorical scenes. The mansion has changed many owners, which were only noble family, among them: Herbersteins, Khiessl, Auersperg, Ursini-Rosenberg, Szekely, Brandis and Dürr. Betnava in 1863 became the summer residence of the Maribor-Lavantine bishops, although the diocese took in hiring decades before.

Opposite the façade is decorated park, which was designed in the 19th century in the spirit of English landscape style. The mansion is adorned with an extremely consistent architecture that is inspired by the then Vienna late-baroque fashion Florentine style, which won in 1784. The mansion Betnava mansion is now owned by the Church. It houses the Archdiocese Museum Maribor.
Dvorec Betnava (nemško Schloss Windenau) je dvorec v bližini Maribora na Štajerskem. Baročni dvorec Betnava je bil razglašen kot kulturni spomenik državnega pomena.

Leta 1319 listina omenja dvorec z imenom Wintenaw (Betnava). V 16. stoletju je ta prerasla v utrjeno renesančno graščino z vodnim jarkom. Grofje Herberstein so jo spremenili v protestantsko postajo z kapelo in pokopališčem. V 18. stoletju so dvorec, ki je bil leta 1685 pogorel, baročno preoblikovali. Prezidali so osrednje poslopje s stopniščem in reprezentativnimi prostori, na severni strani so mu dodali kapelo, ostala tri krila pa so pustili nedotaknjena. Slavnostno dvorano so poslikali leta 1784 z baročno iluzionistično arhitekturo, ki jo dopolnjujejo alegorični prizori. Dvorec je menjal veliko lastnikov, kar so bile le plemiške rodbine, med njimi: Herbersteini, Khiessl, Auersperg, Ursini-Rosenberg, Szekely, Brandis in Dürr. Betnava je leta 1863 postala poletna rezidenca mariborsko-lavantinskih škofov, čeprav jo je škofija jemala v najem že desetletja prej.

Nasproti pročelja je urejen park, ki je bil v 19. stoletju zasnovan v duhu angleškega krajinskega sloga. Dvorec krasi izredno skladna arhitektura, ki se je zgledovala po tedaj na Dunaju modnem poznobaročnem florentinskem slogu, katero je dvorec dobil leta 1784. Dvorec Betnava je sedaj v cerkveni lasti. V njem domuje Muzej Nadškofije Maribor.
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