ponedeljek, 7. september 2015

Follow me Selfie Drone Ghost+

All-In-One Performance Quadcopter.The GHOST+ innovative quadcopter by TTRobotix is all you need to start sharing and viewing the world from the sky. The GHOST+ is easy to fly and offers up to 25 minutes of flight time, and has optional stabilized gimbals for you to create astonishing aerial imagery.




petek, 4. september 2015

Opozorila za uporabo LiPo akumulatorjev

Opozorila za uporabo LiPo akumulatorjev

Opozorila za uporabo LiPo akumulatorjev.wink emoticon
Produkte pošiljamo v vse države Evropske Unije.
We ship to all countries of the European Union.
— v/na Europe.